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Kundenbewertungen ^_^
 *****  Bestellnummer: PO:********9442860#
2017/1/5 16:49:44(Bestellzeit)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 *****  Bestellnummer: PO:********5391215#
2017/1/5 15:55:39(Bestellzeit)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 *****  Bestellnummer: PO:********0248502#
2017/1/5 15:40:24(Bestellzeit)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 Seller(Anderson) Reply: Hello, a new day, I would like to ask whether you are satisfied with the use of the product.
Look forward to your feedback, sincere greetings.
 *****  Bestellnummer: PO:********7276867#
2017/1/4 8:47:27(Bestellzeit)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 *****  Bestellnummer: PO:********0396160#
2017/1/3 20:11:54(Bestellzeit)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 *****  Bestellnummer: PO:********3372266#
2017/1/3 11:23:37(Bestellzeit)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 *****  Bestellnummer: PO:********5311809#
2017/1/11 6:08:53(Bestellzeit)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 Seller(Anderson) Reply: Look forward to your valuable advice!
 *****  Bestellnummer: PO:********9164918#
2016/12/26 1:39:16(Bestellzeit)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 *****  Bestellnummer: PO:********1363970#
2016/12/25 23:31:36(Bestellzeit)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good
 *****  Bestellnummer: PO:********3263312#
2016/12/25 22:23:26(Bestellzeit)
 Did not make an evaluation,the system defaults is good © 2006-2017 internet denken (hongkong) electronic co., begrenzte(Alle RECHTE vorbehalten)